Váltás magyarra
Renaissance Music Foundation

Located at Kiskorona u. 7, 1036 Budapest, Hungary
Mailing address: Radnóti M. u. 38, 1137 Budapest, Hungary

Founded by Borbála Szekér and Kálmán Szekér
Date of inception: 26 May, 1998

Registered at the Budapest Court (Fõvárosi Bíróság), registration number 7170
Order of court number: 13. Pk. 60 419/1998/6.
Date of inception: 16 June 1998.
Entered into legal effect: 16 July 1998.
Board of trustees: János Bali (chairman), Dr. György Surján, András Soós

According to paragraph 22 (3) of the CLVI law of 1997, the foundation is a "public utility".

Tax number: 18090532 - 1 - 41
Bank account at Budapest Bank, Óbuda branch.
Bank account number: 10102103 - 31463404 - 00000009
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