Music of the Gothic Period and the Early Renaissance

Music of the Gothic Period and the Early Renaissance, Volume 1-2
Played by the Vielle Trio on Ancient Instruments with Du Bose Robertson, tenor
Vielle Trio & Du Bose Robertson
Allegro al 14 & al 72 [LPx4, mono]


    Volume 1

  1. Allegro al 14 [LPx2, mono, auto-coupling] Music of the Gothic Period and the early Renaissance. Played by the Vielle Trio on Ancient Instruments with Du Bose Robertson, tenor.
  2. Volume 2

  3. Allegro al 72 [LPx2, mono, auto-coupling] Music of the Gothic Period and the early Renaissance, volume 2. Played by the Vielle Trio on Ancient Instruments with Du Bose Robertson, tenor.

Playing time: (??' ??" + ??' ??") + (??' ??" + ??' ??") = ??' ??"

Performers, recording site and date:
Unknown [1949];
Rel.: 1955 ?.

Reviewed in:

Information from IUCAT.

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Pierre-F. Roberge