Madrigalistes italiens

Madrigalistes italiens - Italian Madrigalists
Chorale Émile Passani
L'Anthologie sonore 120 (matrix AS 259, AS 258) [78rpm, Europe]
The Gramophone Shop "L'Anthologie sonore" AS 120 [78rpm, USA]


    Luca Marenzio
  1. Strider faceva
  2. Perché la pioggia

  3. Don Carlo Gesualdo
  4. Moro lasso

Playing time: ??' ??"

Chorale Émile Passani

Recording site and date:
Paris, France [ca 1943];
Rel.: ca 1944

[3] Haydn Society "L'Anthologie sonore" AS-9 Italian Music of the XVIth & XVIIth Centuries

The Gramophone Shop "L'Anthologie sonore" (111-120) [78rpm x 10] A synthesis of the musical arts: 14th to 18th centuries, vol. XII.
Haydn Society "L'Anthologie sonore" Set HS.AS-B [LPx5, mono] L'Anthologie sonore vol. II.
Adès "L'Anthologie Sonore" MS 30 AS 527 [LP, 30cm, mono] Madrigaux, monodies et chants italiens des XVIe et XVIIe siècles

Information from Bn-Opale plus, and "The Gramophone Shop Encyclopedia of Recorded Music", 1948 ed.

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Pierre-F. Roberge