An Evening of Elizabethan Verse and Its Music

An Evening of Elizabethan Verse and Its Music
W.H. Auden & New York Pro Musica Antiqua - Noah Greenberg, dir.
Columbia "Masterworks" ML 5051 [LP, mono]
Odyssey 32 16 0171 [LP, mono]


    Thomas Weelkes - Anonymous:
  1. Tan Ta Ra cries Mars (Text read by W. H. Auden)
    Tan Ta Ra cries Mars

  2. Robert Jones - Framcis Davison:
  3. Sweet, if you like and love me still (Text read by W. H. Auden
    Sweet, if you like and love me still

  4. John Wilbye - Anonymous:
  5. Flora gave me fairest flowers (Text read by W. H. Auden)
    Flora gave me fairest flowers

  6. Alfonso Ferrabosco - Ben Jonson:
  7. Come, my Celia (Text read by W. H. Auden)
    Come, my Celia

  8. Robert Jones - Anonymous:
  9. Sweet Kate of late (Text read by W. H. Auden)
    Sweet Kate of late

  10. Robert Jones - Thomas Campian:
  11. Though your strangeness (Text read by W. H. Auden)
  12. Though your strangeness

  13. Thomas Morley - Anonymous:
  14. I saw my lady weeping (Text read by W. H. Auden)
    I saw my lady weeping

  15. John Wilbye - Anonymous:
  16. Sweet honey-sucking bees (Text read by W. H. Auden)
    Sweet honey-sucking bees

  17. ----
    George Kirbye - Edmund Spenser:
  18. Up then Melpomene (Text read by W. H. Auden)
    Up then Melpomene

  19. John Dowland - Anonymous:
  20. In darkness let me dwell (Text read by W. H. Auden)
    In darkness let me dwell

  21. Orlando Gibbons - Sir Walter Raleigh:
  22. What is our life (Text read by W. H. Auden)
    What is our life

  23. Alfonso Ferrabosco - John Donne:
  24. So, So, leave off this last lamenting kiss (Text read by W. H. Auden)
    So, So, leave off this last lamenting kiss

  25. John Ward - Michael Drayton:
  26. Upon a bank with roses (Text read by W. H. Auden)
    Upon a bank with roses

  27. Thomas Tomkins - Samuel II, Chapter 18:
  28. When David heard that Absolom was slain (Text read by W. H. Auden)
    When David heard that Absolom was slain

Playing time: ??' ??"

W. H. Auden (narrator)
New York Pro Musica Antiqua
Ruth Daigon (soprano), Jean Hakes (soprano), Russell Oberlin (counter-tenor), Charles Bressler (tenor), Paul Maynard (harpsichord), Arthur Squires (tenor), Brayton Lewis (bass)
Noah Greenberg, dir.

Recording site and date:
Unknown [1954];
Rel. 1955 (Columbia), 1967 (Odyssey)

Reviewed in:

Information from LP (Columbia & Odyssey)

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Pierre-F. Roberge