Byzantium in Rome

Byzantium in Rome
Capella Romana – Ionannis Arvanitis, dir.
Capella Romana 403 [CDx2]



  1. Kontakion for St. Bartholomew of Grottaferrata (Short Melody)
  2. Ode 1 of the Kanon for St. Benedict
  3. Kontakion for St. Neilos of Grottaferrata (Psaltikon melody)
  4. Ode 9 of the Kanon for St. Benedict
  5. Kontakion for St. Bartholomew of Grottaferrata (Psaltikon melody)
  6. Three stichera prosomoia for St. Benedict (Mode Plagal 4)
  7. CD-2

  8. Ode 1 of the Iambic Kanon, Mode 4
  9. Alleluiarion in Mode 1, Ps. 32:6, 13
  10. Ode of the First Kanon of Pentecost, Mode 4
  11. Communion Verse, Ps. 142 10b
  12. Teleutaion of the Kneeling Vespers, Ps. 18 - Small Litany and Psalm Intonation
  13. Teleutaion of the Kneeling Vespers, Ps. 18 - Stichologia
  14. Teleutaion of the Kneeling Vespers, Ps. 18 - Glory

Capella Romana
Ionannis Arvanitis, dir.; Alexander Lingas, art. dir.

Playing time: 82' 15"

Recording site and date:
Byzantine Church, Portland Oregon, USA [2006 or prior];
Rel.: 2006

Reviewed in:
Fanfare (Vol./#-p.): 32/2-371 (Nov/Dec 2008)

Information from Fanfare & website.

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Pierre-F. Roberge