Tu tu pan pan

Tu tu pan pan
A piper journey through medieval Europe
Poul Høxbro
Classico CLASSCD 286


    Meister Rumelant
  1. Got in vier elementen

  2. Anon., Italy, ca 1400
  3. Saltarello

  4. Anon., France, ca 1300
  5. La tierche estampie royal

  6. Anon., Laudario di Cortona, ca 1300
  7. Christo e nato e humanato

  8. Alfonso el Sabio (attr.): Cantigas de Santa Maria
  9. Cantiga 328: Sabor a Santa Maria
  10. Cantiga 200: Santa Maria loei ...

  11. Gherardellus
  12. De' poni amor a me
  13. I vo bene a chi vol bene a me

  14. Anon., France, ca 1300
  15. Danse

  16. Anon., England, 13th c.
  17. From "Danger me hath, unskylfuly"

  18. Anon., England (Coventry ?), 13th c., Ms Douce 139
  19. Untitled

  20. Hildegard von Bingen
  21. Unde quocumque
  22. O Euchari

  23. Meister Rumelant
  24. Got in vil hohen vreuden sax

  25. Trad., Denmark
  26. Den talende strengeled
  27. Folktunes

Poul Høxbro (pipe and tabor, pipe and stringdrum, double pipes)

Playing time: 55' 15"

Recording site and date:
Audiophon Recording Studio [1999]

Reviewed in:
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):
Diapason (#-p.):
Fanfare (#-p.):

Comments: Information from owned CD.

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Pierre-F. Roberge