Czech medieval sacred chant

Czech medieval sacred chant
Kubistova, Polasek, Matuszek (dir.)
Deutsche Harmonia mundi (BMG) 74 321 54 766-2


  1. Hymn (Hymna): Prijd' Vykupiteli lidský ... (Come, O Redeemer of Man ...)
  2. Hymn (Písen): Jesizi pane milý ... (Jesus, Beloved Lord ...)
  3. Hymn (Písen): Opatrovníce nejlepsí ... (The Greatest Protector ...)
  4. Anthem (Hymna): Prijd' k nám stvoriteli .... (Come Unto Us, O Creator ...)
  5. Sanctus, Wedneday (Sanctus, Dne stredního): Mocný buh otec narozený ... (Almighty God, the Father Unborn ...)
  6. Hymn (Písen): Jesu Kriste lítostivý ... (Jesus Christ the Merciful ...)
  7. Hymn (Písen): Dcery Sionské, ty jsi Král ... (Daughter's of Zion, You are the King ...)
  8. Hymn (Písen): Jesu Kriste vsemohúcí ... (Jesus Christ Almighty ...)
  9. Anthem (Hymna): Mrsto nové, voslavené ... (New City of Celebration ...)
  10. Anthem (Hymna): Ó milost horlivá, milý ... (O Fervent Mercy, Beloved Holy Ghost ...)
  11. Bells (Zvonky): Písen Jesizi, nasich dusí pastýri ... (Jesus, the Shepherd of Our Souls ...):
  12. Hymn (Písen): Ó Kriste, cirkev tvá svatá ... (O Christ, Your Hallowed Church ...)
  13. Cantate according to the epistle (Cantate na Epistolu): Boze vecne pozehnaný (God the Eternaly Blessed ...)
  14. Anthem celebrating the Lord's Birth (Hymna na Bozí narození): Od slunce východu ... (From the Sun of the East ...)
  15. Hymn (Písen): Chválíme tebe, Jezisi pane ... (We praise You, Christ the Lord ...)
  16. Anthem (Hymna): Zivot nejsvetejsích svatých ... (The Life of the most Holy of the Holies ...)
  17. Hymn (Písen): Pane Jezisi Kriste ... (Our Lord, Jesus Christ ...)
  18. Anthem for Lent (Hymna v puste Kriste): Uslys predobrý nás stvoriteli ... (Hear Us, Our Supreme Creator ...)
  19. Anthem for Lent (Hymna v puste Kriste): Prosíme, Pane té noci ... (We Beseech You, Lord This Night ...)
  20. Sequence (Seksvence): Cista souc od hríchuv ... (Cleansed from Sin ...)

East Bohemian Museum in Hradec Králové: Czech Gradual and Antiphonary (A 10, 1586-1597), the Czech Hymnal (A 11, 2nd half of the 16th century), Czech Advent Matins Hymn-Book (A 44, 1585-1586).

Playing time: 51' 04"

Ensemble [Jitka Kubistova (voice, vielle, bell), Pavel Polasek (plainsong, vielle, portative organ, organ, bells, dulcimer, shofar, alto vidula), Petr Matuszek (voice, alto vidula)] - Petr Matuszek, dir.

Recording site and date:
Chapel of the Name of Our Lady and in the Basilica of the Visitation of Our Lady, Svatý Kopecek, near Olomouc, Czech Republic [08/1997]

Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.): 451-132 (september 1998)
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):
Fanfare (Vol./#-p.):

Comments: Information from owned CD.

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Pierre-F. Roberge