Maistre Jhan

Live 1
Dionysos Now! - Tore Tom Denys
Evil Penguin EPRC 0047E [EP]

Under Construction


    Jhan: Missa Inviolata
  1. Kyrie
  2. Gloria
  3. Credo
  4. Sanctus
  5. Agnus Dei

Playing time: 25'

Released: 2022

Although no discussion appears to exist for this short album discussion elsewhere suggests that Maistre Jhan (c.1485-1538) was French but mainly active in Ferrara. The New Grove does not list the recorded mass at all, however.

And now a second volume:

Live 2
Dionysos Now! - Tore Tom Denys
Evil Penguin 0051 [LP]

To purchasing information for this disc.

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Todd M. McComb