Guinevere, Yseut, Melusine

Guinevere, Yseut, Melusine
The heritage of Celtic womanhood in the Middle Ages
Ensemble La Reverdie
Giulia "Musica Antiqua" GS 201007


    I. Serca - Amores

    Anon., Italy, 14th c.
  1. Lamento di Tristano

  2. Francesco Landini
  3. Ballata: La bionda trezza

  4. Cunelier
  5. Ballata: Se Geneive, Tristan

  6. Anon., France, 13th c.
  7. Pucelete - Je langui - Domino
  8. II. Echtrai - Casus

    Richard I Lionheart
  9. Je nus hons pris

  10. Jacopo da Bologna
  11. Madrigale: Di nuovo è giunt'un chavalier

  12. Donato da Firenze
  13. Madrigale: Seguendo 'l canto

  14. Anon. France, 13th c.
  15. Conductus: Pange melos

  16. Anon., Italy, 15th c.
  17. Non al so amante
  18. III. Fisi - Visiones

    Guy of Cherlieu
  19. Salve Regina

  20. Anon., Italy, 15th c.
  21. Ave maris stella

  22. Oswald von Wolkenstein
  23. Ave mutter Koniginne - Ave mater

  24. Anon., Italy, 13th c.
  25. Magdalena degna da laudare

  26. Anon., England, 14th c.
  27. Sancta mater gracie - Do way Robin

  28. Saint Godric of Finchale
  29. Sainte Marie viergene
  30. IV. Banflaith - Regalitas

  31. Quene note

  32. Anon., Orkney Isles, 12 th c.
  33. Discantus in festo Sancti Magni: Nobilis humilis

  34. Anon., England, 10th c.
  35. Antiphona in festo Sancti Eadmundi: Ave Rex gentis Anglorum

  36. Anon., England, 14th c.
  37. Motetto: Deus tuorum - De flore Marthyrum - Ave Rex

  38. Anon., Provençe, 12th c.
  39. A l'entrada del tens clar.

Playing time: 52' 47"

La Reverdie [Ella de' Mircovich (voice, medieval harp, gothic harp, recorder, percussion), Elisabetta de' Mircovich (voice, rebec, medieval harp, recorder, percussion), Claudia Caffagni (lute, voice, medieval harp, percussion), Livia Caffagni (recorder, fiddle, voice)] & Doron David Sherwin (percussion)

Recording site and date:
Villa Cantoni, Nonantola (Modena), Italy [04/1991]

Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.): 394-180 (june 1993)
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):
Fanfare (Vol./#-p.):

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Pierre-F. Roberge