Masterworks from France - Program no. 281 & no. 282

Masterworks from France - Program no. 281 & no. 282
Ars Antiqua – Étienne Méhul, Serge Lancen
Chorale of the French Radio – Roger Blanchard, cond.
Larry Alder, French National Orchestra – Gaston Poulet, cond. & D. E. Ingelbrecht, cond.
Gotham Recording « The French Broadcasting System in North America » GRC 4071 / 4072 [LPx2, 16 in., auto. coupling]


    Program no. 281

    LP-1, side 1 – LP-2, side 1

  1. Alleluia viderunt
  2. Conductus: Gaude felix Francia

  3. Anon.
  4. Alle psallite cum luya
  5. Alleluia psallat
  6. Si je chante
  7. O Philippe, Franci qui generis
  8. Nulla pestis est gravior
  9. Program no. 282

    LP-1, side 2 – LP-2, side 2

    Étienne Méhul: La chasse du jeune Henri
  10. Overture

  11. Serge Lancen: Concerto for harmonica
  12. mvmt 1: Allegro
  13. mvmt 2: Danse allemande
  14. mvmt 3: Andante
  15. mvmt 4: Rondeau

Playing time:
[1]-[7] 15' 30" + 13' 35" = 29' 05"
[8]-[12] 14' 40" + 14' 35" = 29' 15"

[1]-[7] Chorale of the French Radio
Roger Blanchard, cond.
[8] French National Orchestra
Désiré-Émile Ingelbrecht, cond.
[9]-[12] Larry Alder (harmonica)
French National Orchestra
Gaston Poulet, cond.

Recording site and date:
[1]-[7] Unknown [ca 1956]
[8]-[11] Unknown [ca 1956]
[12] Unknown [ca 1956];
Rel.: 1956 or later

Information from Merlin (University of Missouri) catalogue.
These discs were probably released to broadcasters only.

To FAQ references to this recording.

To FAQ CD index page.

Pierre-F. Roberge