XVIth Century Vocal Music

L'Anthologie Sonore, volume II - Vocal Music of the 15th, 16th and 17th Centuries
Record 5 - XVIth Century Vocal Music (Russia, Poland, Spain, England)
Various performers
Haydn Society "L'Anthologie sonore" AS-10 [LP, mono]


    Anon., Russia
  1. Liturgie des Présanctifiés
  2. Louanges de la Vierge
  3. Matines du Vendredi Saint
  4. Tropaires du Samedi Saint (Vêpres)
    Tropaires du Samedi Saint (Matines)
  5. Matines de l'Assomption
  6. Cadence "Théta merveilleuse"

  7. Waclaw Szamutolski
  8. Evening prayer: Juz sye zmyerska

  9. Mikolaj Gomolka
  10. Psalm 77: Pana ja wzywac

  11. Mikolaj Zielenski
  12. Motet: In monte Oliveti
  13. Per signum crucis

  14. Luis Milan
  15. Romance: Durandarte

  16. Miguel de Fuenllana
  17. Romance: Paseabase el Rey moro

  18. Juan Vasquez
  19. Villancico: Vos me matasteis

  20. Diego Pisador
  21. Romance: A las armas moriscote

  22. John Tavener
  23. Instrumental piece (6v): Quemadmodum
  24. Magnificat in the 6th tone: Magnificat anima mea Dominum

  25. Thomas Morley
  26. Madrigal: Since my tears

  27. Robert Jones
  28. Madrigal: Farewell deare love

  29. John Dowland
  30. Madrigal: Go, crystal tears

Playing time: ??' ??"

See links below

Excerpts (from original release):
[1]-[6] L'Anthologie sonore 139 / 140 [78rpm, 30cm] Chants liturgiques russes / Russian Liturgical Chants
[7]-[10] L'Anthologie sonore 53 [78rpm, 30cm] Choeurs polonais de la Renaissance / Polish Choruses of the Renaissance
[11]-[14] L'Anthologie sonore 17 [78rpm, 30cm] Romances et villancicos espagnols du 16e siècle / Spanish Romances and Villancicos of the 16th Century
[15]-[16] L'Anthologie sonore 97 [78rpm, 30cm] John Tavener
[17]-[19] L'Anthologie sonore 58 [78rpm, 30cm] Madrigaux anglais vers 1600 / English Madrigals c. 1600

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Pierre-F. Roberge