Taverner Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas

Taverner: Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas
The Sixteen - Harry Christophers
Hyperion 66134
Hyperion "Helios" 55052


  1. Plainchant: Gloria tibi Trinitas
    Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas
  2. Credo
  3. Sanctus
  4. Agnus Dei
  5. Responsory: Audivi vocem de coelo

Playing time: 45'

Recording date: March 1984

This is Taverner's most famous mass, performed by a mixed chamber choir. This disc is the first in a series of Taverner masses recorded by The Sixteen for Hyperion. Together with the Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas, the Missa Corona Spinea and Missa O Michael form the trilogy of Taverner's surviving festal masses. Those recordings:

Taverner: Missa Corona Spinea, etc.
The Sixteen - Harry Christophers
Hyperion 66360
Taverner: Missa O Michael, etc.
The Sixteen - Harry Christophers
Hyperion 66325

The Sixteen have also done three other recordings devoted to Taverner in the same series:

Taverner: Missa Sancti Wilhelmi
The Sixteen - Harry Christophers
Hyperion 66427
Taverner: Western Wynde Mass
The Sixteen - Harry Christophers
Hyperion 66507
Taverner: Missa Mater Christi sanctissima
The Sixteen - Harry Christophers
Hyperion 66639

The Sixteen have a series of recordings of earlier repertory from the Eton Choirbook on Collins Classics, as well as a series for the later composer John Sheppard (c.1515-c.1560). The first volume of that:

Sheppard: Church Music
The Sixteen - Harry Christophers
Hyperion 66259

Finally, a collection by the present ensemble:

A Choral Pilgrimage
The Glories of Tudor Church Music
Byrd / Sheppard / Taverner / Mundy / Tallis / Browne
The Sixteen - Harry Christophers
Linn "Honest" 118

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Todd M. McComb