Romero: Missa pro Defunctis

Requiem para Cervantes
Romero: Missa pro Defunctis
La Grande Chapelle - Àngel Recasens / Schola Antiqua - Juan Carlos Asensio
Lauda Música 002


    Officium Defunctorum - Ad Matutinum

  1. Antiphona: Convertere Domine (chant)
    Psalmus: Domine, ne in furore tuo (a 4)
  2. Lectio III: Manus tuae fecerunt me (chant)
  3. Responsorium III: Domine, quando veneris (a 4)
  4. Missa pro Defunctis

  5. Introitus: Requiem aeternam (a 8)
  6. Kyrie (a 8)
  7. Graduale: Requiem aeternam (chant)
    In memoria aeterna (a 8)
  8. Tractus: Absolve, Domine (chant)
  9. Sequentia: Dies irae (a 8)
  10. Offertorium: Domine Iesu Christe (a 8)
    Hostias et preces (chant)
  11. Sanctus (a 8)
    Benedictus (chant)
  12. Agnus Dei (a 8)
  13. Communio: Lux aeterna (chant)
  14. Absolutiones in solemnibus exequiis

  15. Pedro Ruimonte (1565-1627) - Responsorium: Qui Lazarum resuscitasti (a 5)
  16. Ruimonte - Responsorium: Ne recorderis peccata mea (a 6)
  17. ? Romero - Responsorium: Libera me, Domine (a 8)
  18. Depositio cadaveris

  19. Ruimonte - Psalmus: De profundis clamavi ad te (a 7)
  20. Sebastián López de Velasco (1584-1659) - Motectum: Tota pulchra es amica mea (a 8)

Performers: Helen Ashby (soprano), Kate Ashby (soprano), Elin Manahan-Thomas (soprano), Sytse Buwalda (countertenor), Christopher Kale (countertenor), Matthew Venner (countertenor), Simon Davies (tenor), Hervé Lamy (tenor), George Pooley (tenor), Jan Van der Crabben (baritone), Ben Davies (bass), Marc Pantus (bass), Arno Paduch (cornet), Otmar Gaiswinkler (sackbut), Hans Peter Gaiswinkler (sackbut), Yves Bertin (bajón), Martin Bauer (bowed vihuela), Philippe Malfeyt (theorbo), Thomas de Pierrefeu (violone), Frank Agsterribe (positive organ), Àngel Recasens (director of La Grande Chapelle); Miguel Ángel Asensio Palacios, Javier Blasco Blanco, Miguel Ángel Cencerrado Rodríguez, Alfredo Contreras Sanz, Miguel Ángel Fernández González, Miguel García Rodríguez, Román García-Miguel Gallego, Jorge L. Gómez Ríos, Benjamín González García, Antonio de Gregorio Jabato, Enrique de la Fuente González, Alberto de la Fuente Jarillo, Luis Fernando Loro Rodríguez, Benigno A. Rodríguez García, Federico Rubio García, Emilio Rubio Sadia, Javier Rubio García (chant), Juan Carlos Asensio (director of Schola Antiqua)

Playing time: 60'

Recording date: February 2005

All unattributed items, except for chant, are by Romero.

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Todd M. McComb