Mass attributed to Gilles Binchois

Mass attributed to Gilles Binchois for Tenor, Baritone and Bass
Secular pieces by Heinrich Isaac, Thomas Créquillon, Gérard Turnhout, Johannes Ockeghem, Heinrich Finck
Choristers and Musicians of the Chapelle de Bourgogne - Bernardin Van Eeckhout, dir.
L'Oiseau-Lyre OL 50104 [LP, mono]
L'Oiseau-lyre (France) OLLD 80 [LP, mono]


    Mass attributed to Gilles Binchois (c. 1400-1460)

    Gilles Binchois, MS Brussels Mass No. 2
  1. Kyrie
  2. Gloria
  3. Credo
  4. Sanctus
  5. Benedictus
  6. Agnus Dei I
  7. Agnus Dei II

  8. ----

    Secular Songs and Pieces (Xvth and XVIth Centuries

    Heinrich Isaac
  9. Canzona: La Martinella

  10. Thomas Créquillon
  11. Quand me souvient

  12. Gérard Turnhout
  13. Chanson en canon: En regardant

  14. Anon., Glogauer Liederbuch, 1460
  15. Piece
  16. Bauernschwanz
  17. Das Yeger horn
  18. Gepenst licht mij so vast und quelt

  19. Johannes Ockeghem
  20. Ma maîtresse

  21. Heinrich Finck
  22. O schönes Weib

Playing time: ??' ??"

Choristers and Musicians of the Chapelle de Bourgogne [Bernard de Pauw (tenor), René Graindorge (English horn), Corneille Pirnay (bassoon), L. Pecheny (bassoon)] - Bernardin Van Eeckhout, maítre de chapelle & director

Recording site and date:
[1955 or prior];
Rel.: 1955 (OL 50104)

Reviewed in: none known

Information from owned LP (OL 50104). It is often referred as "Musiciens de la Cour de Bourgogne vol 1 (vol. 2 being L'Oiseau-Lyre LD 81); but no such title appears on the LP sleeve or LP itself.

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Pierre-F. Roberge