Troubadour and Trouvère Songs

Troubadour and Trouvère Songs (XII & XIII Centuries)
Russell Oberlin - Seymour Barab
Expériences Anonymes EA-0012 [LP-Mono]
Lyrichord Expériences Anonymes EAS-12 [LP, stereo]
Musical Heritage Society MHS 675 [LP]
Ars Nova VST-6094 [LP, stereo, Italy]
Lyrichord Early Music Series LEMS 8001 [CD]


    Guiraut de Borneil:
  1. Reis glorios, verais lums e clartatz

  2. Guiraut Riquier:
  3. Ples de tristor, marritz e doloires

  4. Arnaut Daniel:
  5. Chanson do.ill mot son plan e prim

  6. ----
    Bernard de Ventadour:
  7. Can vei la lauzeta mover

  8. Gautier d'Epinal:
  9. Commensmens de dolce saison bele

  10. Gace Brulé:
  11. Cil qui d'amor me conseille

Playing time: 49' 19"

Performers: Russell Oberlin (countertenor), Seymour Barab (viol)

Recording site and date:
Esoteric Sound Studios, New-York City, NY, USA [1957 or prior]

Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.):
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):
Fanfare (Vol./#-p.): 18/1-407 (september/october 1994)

[3] Fine Classics 4419-2 [CD] Courts, Kings & Troubadours: Medieval & Renaissance Music - "The Gold Collection"

Information from owned recordings (Lyrichord LP & CD). It was the first volume of a serie of nine "Music of the Middle Ages, Vol. I"

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Pierre-F. Roberge