La Ménestrandi

La Ménestrandi
La Ménestrandi - Teyseirre, dir.
Radium LD 01 [LP]


    Jacob Obrecht
  1. ?????

  2. Guillaume Costeley
  3. ?????

  4. Giovanni Gabrieli
  5. ?????

  6. Cipriano de Rore
  7. ?????

  8. d'Anglebert
  9. ?????

  10. Marc-Antoine Charpentier
  11. ?????

Playing time: ??' ??"

La Ménestrandi - Teyseirre, dir.

Recording site and date:
Unknown [1957 or prior]

Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.):
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):
Revue Disques (#-p.): July 1957

Information from Medieval and Renaissance Music on Long-playing Records # 241.

To FAQ references to this recording.

To FAQ CD index page.

Pierre-F. Roberge