Isaac, Hofhaimer & Buchner à la Cour de Maxilien Ier

I Fiamminghi - III
Isaac, Hofhaimer & Buchner à la Cour de Maxilien Ier
Une "Missa ad Organum" pour le Dimanche de Pâques
Cappella Pratensis - Rebecca Stewart
Ricercar 206692


    Isaac: Missa Paschale
  1. Introitus: Resurrexi, et adhuc tecum sum / Christus surrexit
  2. Kyrie
  3. Gloria
  4. Graduale: Hec dies quam fecit Dominus
  5. Alleluia: Pascha nostrum immolatum
  6. Offertorium
  7. Sanctus
  8. Agnus Dei
  9. Communio: Pascha nostrum immolatus est Christus
  10. Organ postludium: Christ ist erstanden

Performers: Rebecca Stewart, Renée Kartodirdjo, Annelies Coene, Stratton Bull, André Cats, Peter Halpern, Christopher Kale, Ludy Vrijdag, Sjef van Leunen, Bart Demuyt, Rob Borst, Dirk Snellings (voices); Wim Diepenhorst (organ - Ebert, 1556-61)

Playing time: 56'

Recording date: April 1998 (Innsbruck)

Sung polyphony by Isaac. Propers from Choralis Constantinus II. Ordinary from MS München 3. Organ alternations improvised in the style of Paul Hofhaimer (1459-1537) and Hans Buchner (1483-1538).

The present Mass Ordinary is one of a set of eight five-part alternatim settings written by Isaac. The construction of the performance is based on William Mahrt's published argument for organ alternation (summarized in the liner notes). Like the Propers settings, the Ordinary is based directly on the specific relevant plainsong in each movement, and so the organ alternation is constructed similarly. The cycle is therefore not unified in melody as a cantus firmus setting would be, but is nonetheless an interesting representative of what was apparently a fairly common German practice of the time.

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Todd M. McComb