Music in the Reign of Czech Kings

Music in the Reign of Czech Kings
Rozmberk Ensemble - Frantisek Pok, dir.
Supraphon 1119 3419 G [LP]


    Music in the reign of Charles IV

    Guillaume de Machaut:
  1. Quant je sui mis

  2. The Vysehrad Collection MS, 1396
  3. Tanek (Dance)

  4. Vyssi Brod MS, 14th c.
  5. Otep myrrhy (A sprig' of myrrh)

  6. The Vysehrad Collection MS, 1396
  7. Czaldy waldy
  8. Music at the Court of George of Podébrady

    Jistebnice Hymn Book, ca 1420
  9. Dies est laetitiae

  10. Manuscript from early 15th c.
  11. Rondellus: Flos florum

  12. Vysehrad MS, ca 1450
  13. Rotulum super sanctus: Salve lux fidelum

  14. Jistebnice Hymn Book, ca 1420
  15. Dietky mlad i staré? (Children old and young)
  16. Zâkovskâ ko leda (Pupil's carol)

  17. Szamotuly Hymn Book, l5th c.
  18. Noci milâ, procs tak dluha? (Dear night why so long?)

  19. Manuscript from first half of 15th c.
  20. Gradual psalms: Vzel d'âbel babu na plece? (The devil carried the woman over his shoulder)

  21. ----

    Music In Bohemia in the reign of Vladislav Jagiello

    Franus Hymn Book MS, 1505
  22. Sanctissima, mitissima.
  23. Solis praevia?
  24. Collaudemus Matrem
  25. Dies iam laetitiae
  26. Danielis prophetia
  27. Music at the Court of Rudolf II

    Jacob Regnart
  28. Ich hab vermeint

  29. Michael Praetorius.
  30. Tance/Dances

  31. Giovanni Gastoldi
  32. A lieta vita

Playing time: 49' 39"

Rozmberska Kapela (Rozmberk Ensemble) [Jana Crkvovâ (dulcimer, portative organ, scheitholt, ala Bohemica, string drum, harp, fiddle, alto viola da braccio, hooked harp), Frantisek Pok (hurdy-gurdy, double flute, tabor-tipe, recorder, cross flute, scheitholt, bag-pipe, cornett, treble cornett, horn-pipe, serpent, drums), Bohuslav Purger (discant fiddle, treble fiddle, trumpet marine, soprano viola da braccio, drums), Jiri Vâca (bombard, trumpet marine, lute, recorder, chalumeau, chamois horn, dulcimer, hurdy-gurdy, bass cromhorn, rackett, drums), Libor Zidek (vocal, drums)] & as guest: Frantisek Xaver Thuri (harpsichord) - Frantisek Pok, dir.

Recording site and date:
Supraphon Domovina Studio, Prague [07, 12/1982]

Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.):
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):
Fanfare (Vol./#-p.):

Information from Christian Brassy.

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Pierre-F. Roberge