
Sandy Bull
Vanguard VRS 9191 [LP, mono]
Vanguard VSD 7 9191 [LP, stereo]
FNAC-Vanguard 663 122 [CD]


    Sandy Bull
  1. Blend 2

  2. Johann Sebastian Bach, BWV 1011. N 5
  3. Gavotte no. 2
  4. Gavotte no. 2, take 2

  5. Luis Bonfa
  6. Manha de carnival

  7. Guillaume de Machaut:
  8. Sans cuer m'en vois, dolens et esplourez / Amis, dolens, maz et desconfortez / Dame, pour vous me sens reconfortez

  9. Chuck Berry
  10. Memphis, Tennessee

ying time: 54' 33"

Sandy Bull (guitar, oud, banjo)

Recording site and date:
Unknown [ca 1965]

Information from Earp: "Guillaume de Machaut - A Guide to reaearch" & BN-Opale; this is a jazz adaptation.

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Pierre-F. Roberge