
Freiburger Spielleyt
Verlag der Spielleute CD 0003


    Anon., Germany 14th c., München cgm 609
  1. Wer daz elend bawen wil

  2. Anon., Spain, ca 1500, Cancionero de Palacio
  3. So ell enzina

  4. Anon., Spain, ca 1500, Cancionero de Palacio
  5. Romerico

  6. Anon., Italy, 14th c., MS London 29987
  7. Parlamento

  8. Anon., Spain, 12th c., Codex Calixtinus
  9. Vox nostra resonet

  10. Alfonso el Sabio (attr.), Cantigas de Santa Maria
  11. Cantiga 221: Ben per esta

  12. Anon., Italy, 14th c., MS London 29987
  13. Saltarello

  14. Anon., Spain, 14th c., Llibre Vermell
  15. Mariam matrem virginem
  16. Cuncti simus concanentes

  17. Anon., France, 16th c., Les chansons des pélerins
  18. Quand nmous partîmes de France

  19. Alfonso el Sabio (attr.), Cantigas de Santa Maria
  20. Cantiga 7: Santa Maria amar

  21. Martin Codax, Spain, 13th c., Cantigas de amigo
  22. Mandad el comigo

Playing time: 53' 47"

Performers: Freiburger Spilleyt [Albrecht Haaf (shawm, flute, portativ Schlüselfidel), Regina Kabis (soprano), Jutta Haaf (harp), Murat Coskun (percussion), Marc Lewon (voice, vielle, saz, gamba, oud), Bernd Maier (hurdy-gurdy, bagpipe, schawm, hackbrett)].

Recording site and date:
Unknown [09/1999];
Rel.: 2000

Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.):
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):
Fanfare (Vol./#-p.):

Informations from owned CD and Mark Lewon.

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Pierre-F. Roberge