A Medieval Pilgrimage

A Medieval Pilgrimage
A Musical Tour of the Middle Ages
AROW - American Recorder Orchestra of the West - Richard Geisler
The Village & Early Music Society (no number) [CD]


  1. O rubor sanguinis (Hildegard von Bingen, 1098-1179)
  2. Magnus Liber Organi (Leoninus, 1135-c1201)
  3. Palastinalied (Walter von der Vogelweide, c.1170-1230)
  4. Sederunt Principes (Perotin, c.1155-c1205)
  5. Gram piant' agli ochi (Francesco Landini, 1325-1397)
  6. Au tem Pascor (Jehans Erars, c.1200-c1259)
  7. Trotto (Anon., Italy, 13th cent.)
  8. Septième estampie real (France, 13th cent.)
  9. La Rotta (Anon., Italy, 14th cent.)
  10. Ma fin (Guillaume de Machaut, c.1300-1377)
  11. Ha! Fortune (Machaut)
  12. Je suis aussi (Machaut)
  13. Lamentio sacrae (Guillaume Dufay, c.1400-1474)
  14. Rose, liz printemps (Machaut)
  15. Bache bene venie (Anon., Carmina Burana, Germany, 13th cent.)
  16. Fanfare: Vive le Roy (Josquin des Pres, c.1440-1521)
  17. Sanctus (Roi Henri IV)
  18. Medieval Medley:
    Amours cent mille (Jehan l'Escurel, 13th cent.)
    Is milde lomb (England, 13th cent.)
  19. O rosa bella (John Dunstable, c1390-1453)
  20. Ja nuns hons pris (Richard the Lionhearted)
  21. If Love Now Reigned (Henry VIII, 1491-1547)
  22. Byrd one brere (Anon., England, 13th cent.)
  23. Estampie (Anon., England, 14th cent.)
  24. A la guerra (Anon., Spain, 16th cent.)
  25. A Virgen (Cantiga de Santa Maria 322, Alfonso X, 1221-1284)
  26. Polorum Regina (Anon., Llibre Vermell, Spain, 14th cent.)
  27. Santa Maria amar (CSM 7)
  28. Ave Maria (Francisco Guerrero, 1528-1599)
  29. Corten espadas afiladas (Anon., Spain, 16th cent.)

Playing time: 60' 36"

AROW - American Recorder Orchestra of the West - Richard Geisler, dir.
Guest artists:
Chiconna Duo: Dianne Hamer, Natasha Seaters
Codornices Consort: Joan Glassey, Susan Jaffe, Peggy Norris, Susan Richardson, Suzanne Siebert, Anne-Marie Wiggers
Dacapo Consort: Ellen Johnsen, Nancy Kesselring, Dan Lapsansky, Rhea Schnurman
Sacrosanctus: David Henderson, Anne Merdinger, Crystal Olson
Strosa Trio: Anna Beth Charles, Ellen Johnsen, Gail Wood
Troubadours: Joan Glassey, Greta Hryciw, Anne Merdinger, Laurel Rain

Recording site and date:
Trinity Episcopal Church, Nevada City, CA [05/2004];
Rel. 2004

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Jorge Salazar