Guillaume de Machaut: Messe Notre-Dame

Guillaume de Machaut: Messe Notre-Dame
sekä yhdeksän tunnettua mieskuoroteosta
(transl.: and nine well-known works for male voice choir)
Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajat (Helsinski University Chorus) - Ensti Pohjola, cond.
YLLP (no number) [LP, mono]


    Tomás Luis de Victoria: Lamentations 1:12
  1. O vos omnes

  2. Jean Sibelius: Kanteletar, Book I
  3. Rakastava (Loving)
    1. Canto 173: Missä armahani (Where is my loved one ?)
    2. Canto 174: Armahan kulku (Where my loved one passes)
    3. Canto 122: Hyvää iltaa, lintuseni (Good evening, bird of mine)

  4. Jean Sibelius: Kalevala XL, 1-16
  5. Venematka (Boat Journey)

  6. Jean Sibelius: Kanteletar, I:57
  7. Sortunut ääni (Mute Voice)

  8. Jean Sibelius: Aleksis Kivi
  9. Metsämiehen laulu (The Song of the Forrester)

  10. Axel Törnudd (Finnish Folk)
  11. Loitsu (Incantation)

  12. Erik Bergman
  13. Svanbild: (The Swan)

  14. Belá Bartók
  15. Négy régi magyar népdal

  16. Tolvo Kuula
  17. Nuljamlesten marssi

  18. ----
    Guillaume de Machaut: Messe Notre-Dame
  19. Kyrie
  20. Gloria
  21. Credo
  22. Sanctus
  23. Agnus Dei
  24. Ite missa est

[1], [3]-[6], [8]-[9] Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajat (Helsinski University Chorus)
Ensti Pohjola, cond.
[2] Usko Viitanen (tenor)
[7] Pertti Saurola (baritone)
Solo Quartet
Seppo Huttunen (voice), Risto Juvonen (voice), Heikki Peltola (voice), Antti Mäkelä (voice)
Ensti Pohjola, dir.
[10]-[15] Solo Quartet
Risto Juvonen (voice), Pertti Saurola (voice), Markku Johansson (voice), Antti Mäkelä (voice)
Instrumental ensemble
Ensti Pohjola, dir.

Playing time: ??' ??" + 25' 30" (mass)

Recording site and date:
Unknown [1965 or later];
Rel.: 1966 or later

[1]-[7], [10]-[15] YLLP-2 [LP, mono] Guillaume de Machaut: Messe Notre Dame and seven well-known works for male voice choir.

Reviewed in:

Information from Jerome F. Weber's LP for this specific release.
This record contains the repertoire of Helsinski University Chorus (Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajat) on their third American tour. ... This tour which took place in 1965 ... The principal concert was given on December 8th - in Carnegie Hall, New York (from YLLP-2 insert).

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Pierre-F. Roberge