nIlOtpalAmbA jayati

Abstracted from: Compositions of Muddusvami Dikshitar by Sangeetha Kalanidhi T. K. Govinda Rao, published in Chennai 1997 (No. 244). English edited by me. This is Nilotpalamba Vibhakti kriti No. 1.

Raga: nArAyaNa gauLa / Tala: mishra cApu

P: nIlOtpalAmbA jayati nitya shuddha shubhadAyikA shrI

A: mUlAjHnAnahara guruguha jananI phAlalOcanIpurANI pannagavENInatavANI

C: shivakAmEshvarI shaHNkarI shRHNgAra rasa karI pAshANkusha dharI parama dayAkari bhavarOgahara nipuNatara varadAyinyAm nArAyaNa gauLa rAga mOdinyAm bhukti mukti maccittam vilayatu


May Goddess Nilotpalamba be victorious, she who confers good fortune which is eternal and pure.

She effaces the primary ignorance and is the mother of Guruguha. She has the third eye on the forehead, and is the ancient one. She has long dark lustrous tresses resembling the black cobra, and is adored by Sarasvati.

She, the beloved of Lord Shivakameshvara the Shankari, is the originator of the essence of romance. She is the compassionate one, who holds the noose and the goad. She is skilled at giving the boon which cures the disease of Samsara. She is fascinated by the Raga Narayanagaula. Let my mind reflect upon She who bestows wisdom and liberation.

To Ganamandir Trust

To Dikshitar composition list

Todd M. McComb