santAna rAmasvAminam

Abstracted from: Compositions of Muddusvami Dikshitar by Sangeetha Kalanidhi T. K. Govinda Rao, published in Chennai 1997 (No. 125). English edited by me.

Raga: hindOLam / Tala: Adi

P: santAna rAmasvAminam saguNa nirguNa svarUpam bhajarE

A: santatam yamunAmbApuri nivasantam natasantam hindOLavasantam Adhavam jAnakIdhavam saccidAnanda vaibhavam shivam

C: santAna saubhAgya vitaraNam sAdhujana hRdaya sarasija caraNam cintAmaNyAlaNkRtagAtram cinmAtram sUrya candra nEtram antaraHNga guruguha samvEdyam anRta jaDa duhkharahitamanAdyam


Always worship Santana Ramasvami, who is of the form of one with and without attributes.

He who resides always at Yamunambapura, he who is worshipped by the good devotees, he is Madhava, the lord of Lakshmi, and sports in the swing during the Spring. The beloved one of Janaki, he is prosperous and the omnipresent one.

To Ganamandir Trust

To Dikshitar composition list

Todd M. McComb