Java - Gendhing Bonang

Gêndhing Bonang
Court Music of Kraton Surakarta, III
Pawiyatan Kraton Surakarta - G.R.A. Koes Murtiyah
World Music Library 5238


  1. Gêndhing: Brêmara (pelog lima)
  2. Gêndhing: Imawinenda (slendro nêm)

Performers: Mlayawidada (bonang), Saptana (kêndhang gêdhe), Soewita (kêtipung), Tarnapangrawit (gong gêdhe), Soewardi (saron), Mulyana (slênthêm), et al.

Instruments: Gamêlan Kyai Kadukmanis (pelog), Gamêlan Kyai Manisrêngga (slendro)

Playing time: 56'

Recording date: June 1992 (Kraton Surakarta)

This is the last recording of the legendary court musician Mlayawidada (1911-1997), who plays the bonang (kettle gong set) here. Mlayawidada was one of the last musicians to be trained in the old kraton environment, giving way today to more conservatory-style performers.

The ensemble totals 13 musicians, but the others are not named.

This might be my personal favorite gamelan recording.

To purchasing information for this disc.

To Javanese music page.

T. M. McComb