Religions du monde

Religions du monde
Musiques et chants: catholicisme, islam, protestantisme...
Moines de l'Abbaye de Cîteaux, la Capella Reial de Catalunya, Hesperion XX...
Tempo (Auvidis) A 6232 [CD]


  1. Volley of five bells
  2. Catholicisme

    Gregorian Chant
  3. Salve Regina de Cîteaux

  4. Alfonso el Sabio: Cantigas de Santa Maria
  5. CSM 400: Pero cantigas de loor

  6. Claudio Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine
  7. Deus in adjutorium

  8. Antonio Vivaldi: Vespers for the Nativity of the Holy Virgin
  9. Nisi Dominus

  10. Trad., Corsica
  11. Pater noster
  12. Islam

    Soufi Trad., Syria
  13. Opening of the islamic ritual Drab Chiche

  14. Trad., Tunisia
  15. Call of the Muezzin for the Prayer

  16. Preliminary Sourate, oriental modulation
  17. La Fathia

  18. Abdallah Afifi
  19. Song for the Mouled: Birth of the Prophet

  20. A. Louis' Collection
  21. Dance of the exorcism
  22. Volley of a bell
  23. Protestantisme

    Dietrich Buxtehude
  24. Vater unser im Himmelreich

  25. Johan Sebastian Bach, Cantata BWV 180
  26. Jesu, wahres Brot des Lebens

  27. Georg Friedrich Händel (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, arr.): Messiah
  28. Alleluia

  29. John Littleton
  30. Standing on the need of prayer
  31. Judaïsme

  32. Schofar

  33. Trad., Israel
  34. Song of the Pessah: Easter

  35. Trad., Israel
  36. Music for the Feast of Tabernacles

  37. Trad., Israel
  38. Shadai emor na daile-galuteinu

  39. Trad., Israel
  40. Adon hakol mahayyeh kol nesamah
  41. Volley of three bells
  42. Orthodoxie

    Trad., Europe/Asia
  43. Holy Heaven, rejoice

  44. Trad., Byelorussia
  45. Christmas song from Byelorussia

  46. Trad., Syria
  47. Akh tagore h'achire

  48. Trad. Bulgaria
  49. Otche Nach
  50. Religions traditionnelles

    Pygmy from Aka
  51. Music for the return after the hunt

  52. Trad., Laos
  53. Trance ritual: Pheng Phi-Fa

  54. Trad., République Centrafricaine
  55. Music for the cult of twins: Eci ameya

  56. Trad., Mexico
  57. Sound of the Media bamba
  58. Bouddhisme et sagesse orientales

    Trad., Japan: Dai Hannya Tendoku E
  59. Opening

  60. Trad., Tibet
  61. Invocation to the female deity Yeshiki Mamo (excerpts)

  62. Trad., Japan
  63. Hô-Shô-Shû (excerpts)

  64. Trad., India: Gita Govinda (Jayadeva, aut.)
  65. Prologue: Raising of the clouds

Playing time: 72' 03"

Performers, recording site and date:
See links below
Rel.: 1996

Excerpts (from original release):
[1] (unknown)
[2] Studio SM 121634 [CD] Salve Regina: Choeur des moines des abbayes de Cîteaux, Timadeuc et Sept-Fons
[3] Astrée (Auvidis) E 8508 [CD] Alfonso X El Sabio: Cantigas de Santa Maria, Strela do dia
[4] Astrée (Auvidis) E 8719 [CD] Claudio Monteverdi: Vespro della beata Vergine (1610)
[5] Astrée (Auvidis) E 8520 [CD] Antonio Vivaldo: Vêpres pour la nativité de la Vierge (James Bowman; la Grande curie et la Chambre du Roy; Jean-Claude Malgoire, dir.)
[6] Three singers from the village of Rusiu
[7] Co-fraternity Rifa'iyya of Alep, instr. ens.
[8] (unknown performer)
[9] (unknown performer)
[10] Sayed Chatta, chant... [et al.]
[11] Co-fraternity of Stambali, instr. group.
[12] (unknown)
[13] Valois (Auvidis) V 4431 [CD] Dietrich Buxtehude: L' Oeuvre d'orgue (Michel Chapuis, org.)
[14] Astrée (Auvidis) E 8530 [CD] Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantates BWV 180, 49, 115 (Ensemble baroque de Limoges, instr. ens. & Concerto Vocale, choir - Christophe Coin, dir.)
[15] Astrée (Auvidis) E 8509 [CD] Haendel-Mozart: Le Messie (La grande Écurie et la chambre du Roy, instr. ens. - Jean-Claude Malgoire, dir. & Choeur de chambre de Namur - Pierre Cao, choirmaster
[16] Tempo A 6180 [CD] Les plus beaux negro spirituals (John Littleton, chant... [et al.])
[17] (unknown)
[18] Rabbin Papo, chant... [et al.]
[19] Unidisc UDF11A [LP] Musique au temps de Jésus (Ensemble Philharmonique de Paris - Roland Douatte, dir.)
[20] Tsadoq tsubeiri, Joseph Ozeiri, chant
[21] Aaron and Israel Habshush, chant - Menahem Arussi, choirmaster
[22] (unknown)
[23] Choeur de la Laure de la Trinité Saint Serge de Zagorsk et de l'Académie ecclésiastique de Moscou
[24] Olga Vakoolchyk, Anna Roosack, Nadeshda Roosack... [et al.], chant
[25] Évelyne Daoud, chant
[26] Les Grandes Voix bulgares, men's choir - Zdravko Mihaylov, choirmaster
[27] Pygmy from Aka, chant
[28] Phu Thao Thène, Thao Seng, khene
[29] Ongo orchestra
[30] Totonac dance group
[31] Yuko Aoki and Buzan division from Shingon sect, perc.
[32] Lamas from Lamasery of Nyingmapa of Dehra Dun
[33] Gorô Yamagushi, shakuhachi
[34] Pandit Ragunath Panigrahi, chant... [et al.]

Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.):
Early Music America (Vol./#-p.):
Fanfare (Vol./#-p.):
Goldberg (y., #-p.):
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):

Information from Bn-Opale plus.

To purchasing information for this disc.

To FAQ references to this recording.

To FAQ CD index page.

Pierre-F. Roberge