St. John Passion, 1534

Passion selon saint Jean, Anonyme 1534
Les Chantres de la Sainte-Chapelle - Antoine Sicot
Ligia 0202153-05


    Liturgie du Vendredi-Saint
    Office de Laudes
    Claudin de Sermisy: Kyrie eleyson... Parce Famulis

  1. Kyrie eleyson...
  2. Christe eleyson...
  3. Kyrie eleyson...

  4. Office de Matines
    Anonymous: Extrait des Leçons de Ténèbres

  5. Repons: Omnes amici mei...
  6. Lectio: Samech. Plauserunt... / Aym. Aperuerunt...
  7. Repons: Vinea mea electa...
  8. Lectio: Phe. Fecit Dominus... / Sade. Planxit cor eorum...

  9. Anonymous: Passion selon saint Jean
  10. Chap. XVIII: Passio Domini...
  11. no. 15: Sequebatur autem Iesum Simon Petrus...
  12. no. 28: Adducunt ergo Iesum a Caïpha in praetorium...
  13. Chap. XIX no. 1: Tunc ergo apprehendit Pilatus Iesum...
  14. no. 17: Et baiulans sibi crucem...

Performers: Les Chantres de la Sainte-Chapelle: Isabelle Dumont, Jean-Christophe Candau, Luc Terrieux, Jean-Marc Vié (Christ); Hervé Lamy (Evangelist); Antony Terrieux, Maxime Terrieux (choirboys)

Playing time: 76'02

Recording date: 21-24 November 2004 (Priory of Ambialet)

A program of French music for the Good Friday liturgy, with polyphony drawn from the tenth motet collection printed in Paris by Pierre Attaingnant (1534). In terms of performance practice, this recording represents a very welcome experiment in applying Eastern-style vocal techniques to western polyphony, apparently inspired by Marcel Pérès.

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Ted Dumitrescu