Songs of the Minnesingers - Index

Minnesänger proper

This list, although preliminary, covers most minnesingers; it has been compiled from various sources, but mostly from Grove Music Online (2004), in order to standardize spelling. Links will be added from time to time in 2005.
The musical history of Minnesang is a particularly controversial subject, so I suggest reading the Minnesang entry and related links in Grove Music Online (2004), if you have access to this publication. Or, of course, read the print version of the New Grove in your local library.

(1) Earliest evidence (c1150-80)

  1. Dietmar von Aist
  2. Kürnberger

(2) Romanic influence (1165-1290)

  1. Friedrich von Hûsen
  2. Guiot de Provins
  3. 'Heinrich' (VI)
  4. Hendrik van Veldeke
  5. Rudolf von Fenis-Neuenburg

(3) The golden age (c1180-1230)

  1. Albrecht von Johannsdorf
  2. Bernger von Horheim
  3. Bligger von Steinach
  4. Hartmann von Aue
  5. Heinrich von Morungen
  6. Heinrich von Rugge
  7. Reinmar von Hagenau
  8. Ulrich von Gutenburg
  9. Walther von der Vogelweide

(4.1) Expansion (c1230-1300) - Courtly tradition

  1. Alexander, Meister
  2. Friedrich von Sunnenburg
  3. Reinmar von Brennenberg
  4. Reinmar von Zweter
  5. Ulrich von Liechtenstein

(4.2) Expansion (c1230-1300) - Idealized fiction

  1. Der von Scharfenberg
  2. Geltar
  3. Neidhart von Reuental
  4. Tannhäuser, Der

(4.3) Expansion (c1230-1300) - In between

  1. Frauenlob
  2. Burkhard von Hohenfels
  3. Gottfried von Neifen
  4. Konrad von Würzburg
  5. Ulrich von Winterstetten
  6. Wizlâv III von Rügen

(5) Retreat from courtly idealism (14th century)

  1. Burkhard von Hohenfels
  2. Heinrich von Mügeln
  3. Hugo von Montfort / Bürk Mangolt
  4. Monk of Salzburg

Transitional (into the early 15th century)

And "other" (minnesinger items not listed elsewhere)

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