Aïcha Redouane - Arabesques vocales

Proche-Orient - Arabesques vocales
Aïcha Redouane / Ensemble Al-Adwâr
Institut du Monde Arabe 321015


    Wasla en maqâm hijâz
  1. Dûlâb & Muwashshah: Kathîr an-nifâr
  2. Muwashshah: Ma-htiyâlî yâ rifâqî
  3. Taqsîm & Layâlî-Mawwâl: Sabah es-sabâh
  4. Dûlâb & Qasîda mûwaqqa'a: Allâhu ya'lamu anna n-nafsa hâlikatun bil ya'si minki

  5. Wasla en maqâm bayyati
  6. Taqâsîm
  7. Dûlâb & Muwashshah: Qâtilî bighanj il-kahal
  8. Muwashshah: Fîka kullu mâ arâ hasan
  9. Taqsïm-Layâlî & Qasîda mursala: Lî habîbun
  10. Dûlâb & Qasîda mûwaqqa'a: Arâka 'asyy ad-dam'

  11. Wasla en maqâm hijâz kâr
  12. Samâ'î shatt'arabân
  13. Dûlâb & Muwashshah: Yâ ghazâlan
  14. Taqsïm-Layâlî & Mawwâl: Tûl el-layâlî
  15. Dawr: Allah yisûn dawlet husnak

Performers: Aïcha Redouane (voice), Salah el-Din Mohamed (qânûn), Brahim Meziane el-Otmani ('ud), Farhat Bouallagui (violin), Habib Yammine (riqq)

Playing time: 70'26"

Recording date: December 1995 (live, Paris); CD release: 2000

This is a very appealing and creative rendition, incorporating the Egyptian "Renaissance" style of the 1900s with the Andalucian muwashshah (link from EM FAQ, for performance as historical recreation) genre as well as Syrian & Turkish rhythm. The program nonetheless displays a real unity, making this one of the most dynamic & convincing modern Arabic recitals available. Improvisational sections and elements are used to fine effect.

To purchasing information for this disc.

To Arabic music intro.

T. M. McComb