R. Fahimuddin Dagar
w/ Gopal Das (pakhawaj)
Raga Marwa
Wergo Spectrum (Masters of Raga) 1081


    Raga Marwa
  1. Alap (31'51)
    Dhrupad "Sangata dvara sura soda leta" (13'57)
    Dhamar "Eho ali dhuma maci hai" (15'27)

Playing time: 61'15"

Recording date: April 1988 (New Delhi)

Tanpuras by: Jyoti Pande & Amelia Cuni

Raga Marwa has long been a favorite of mine, and so this performance is welcome on that basis. It is not as energetic & transcendent as R. F. Dagar's other CD recording, but worthwhile nonetheless.

To purchasing information for this disc.

To Dhrupad list.

T. M. McComb