Lamentations de la Renaissance

Lamentations de la Renaissance
Huelgas Ensemble - Paul Van Nevel
Harmonia Mundi HM 901682 [CD]
Harmonia Mundi "Gold" HMG 501682 [CD]


    Tiburtio Massaino (c.1550-c.1609):
    Musica super Threnos Ieremiae prophete in maiori hebdomada decantadas à 5
    Feria V. In coena Domini (Venice, 1599)
  1. Lectio Prima
  2. Lectio Secunda
  3. Lectio Tertia

  4. Robert White (c.1538-1574)
    Lamentations à 5
  5. Lectio Prima
  6. Lectio Secunda

  7. Marbrianus de Orto (c.1460-c.1529):
    Lamentatio Jeremie Prophete à 4 (Venice, 1506)
  8. Incipit - Aleph
  9. Beth
  10. Ghimel

  11. Roland de Lassus (1532-1594)
    Lamentations Hieremiae
    Feria sexta in Parasceve à 5 (Munich, 1585)
  12. Lamentatio Prima
  13. Lamentatio Secunda
  14. Lamentatio Teria

Performers: Marie-Claude Vallin (superius, altus), Els Van Laethem (superius), Katelijne Van Laethem (superius), Pascal Bertin (altus), Eitan Sorek (tenor), Marius Van Altena (tenor), Harry Van Berne (tenor), Matthew Vine (tenor), Stephan Macleod (bass), Harry van der Kamp (bass), Bart Coen (recorder), Peter Declercq (recorder), Baldrick Deerenberg (recorder), Christine Kyprianides (viol)

Playing time: 70'

Recording date: April 1997 (Abbaye-aux-Dames de Saintes); released: 1999

Harmonia mundi HMX 290 8196 / 98 [CDx3] Renaissance

The program combines well-known works of White & Lassus with those by obscure composers Massaino & Orto. Massaino's style is motivated similarly to Lassus', while Orto was a colleague of La Rue.

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Todd M. McComb