Frescobaldi: Canzoni

Frescobaldi: Il Primo Libro delle Canzoni
Il Viaggio Musicale
v. 1 - Bongiovanni 5533
v. 2 - Bongiovanni 5548

Frescobaldi's ensemble writing here is highly idiosyncratic, but still includes several ideas of interest. Although certainly better known for his keyboard music, these works are rather stimulating, and I find I actually prefer the ensemble playing. The thinking on harmonic momentum and general connections of that sort is highly developed, and avoiding the interiorization of a soloing conception is also welcome in this case.

Unusually for this section of the list, there are several serviceable performances from which to choose, but the present one nonetheless distinguishes itself easily. The choice of instruments seems especially idiomatic for the music, and the phrasing & general approach are excellent.

Regarding the two volumes, the second has the superior performance as well as the longer program. The interpration has a more elegant blend as well as more supple rhythms. It is probably an easier choice over the first volume, although that one does include some of the more famous individual pieces.

To instrumental list.

Todd M. McComb
Updated: 12 November 2012