CD & discography files found for search on: gregorian chant
- Angels
- Gregorian Chant - Early recordings
- Schola Hungarica - Discography
- The Tradition of Gregorian chant
- Musica mystica, vol. 5
- La contenance angloise
- Angels from the Vatican
- Gregorian Chant
- Songs to the Virgin
- Christmas – Gregorian chant at Beuron Abbey
- The quintessence Of Chant
- Gregorian Chants for Christmas
- Gregorian Chant - Tons de la Musique
- Konrad Ruhland - Discography
- Hymnen
- Hymns and chants
- A History of Music, vol. 3
- Josquin Desprez - A discography
- Filia Sion
- Ad Fontes
- Paschale Mysterium
- Gregorian Chant - 1930 HMV
- Gregorian Chant - Adorate Deum
- Gregorian Chant
- Cantus Selecti
- Canto Gregoriano – The Art of the Gregorian Chant
- Benvenetan Chant for Pentecost
- Les Très Riches Heures du Moyen-Âge
- Sequentiae - Sequences
- A Discography of Ensemble Organum
- Gregorian Chant
- Gregorian chant - Saint-Pierre de Solesmes
- Hymnen, Sequenzen, Responsorien
- Perotin - A discography
- Chants from the early Capetian era
- Ensemble Gilles Binchois: Bio & Discography
- Gregorian Chant - Salve Festa Dies
- Guillaume Dufay - A discography
- Peter Abelard: Hymns & sequences
- A Medieval Christmas
- De Virgine
- Musica mystica
- Pilgrimage to Santiago
- Osterfestkreis
- Gloria In Excelsis Deo: Chant, Hymns And Sequences
- Wine in music from the 15th and 16th Centuries
- Gabrielli: Missa Apostolorum
- The World of Early Music
- Voix romanes
- Glanz der Gregorianik - Weinachten
- Salutare
- Chant Cistercien
- Gregorian Chant for the Dead - Ego sum Resurrectio
- Gregorian Chants to texts by Paul the Apostle
- Gregorian Chant - In Passione et Morte Domini
- Fulbert de Chartres
- Terra Adriatica
- Notker Balbulus (ca. 840-912)
- 1000, a Mass for the End of Time
- Chant and Polyphony from Bohemia
- 20 siècles en Cathédrales
- Gregorian Chants - Musical Networks in Medieval Europe
- Music from the time of the Crusades
- 1st Christmas Vespers
- Century I: Ancient Music
- Anchieta: Missa Sine Nomine / Salve Regina
- Gregorian Chant for Easter - Paschale Mysterium
- Meeting - Two Worlds of Modal Music
- Machaut: Missa de Nostre Dame
- Gregorian and Ambrosian chant
- Missa de Beata Maria Virgine
- Gregorian Christmas - Chants and Motets
- Marienfestkreis
- Miracles of Sant'Iago
- Songs of the Minnesingers - Walther von der Vogelweide
- Die Gregorianischen Gesänge
- Christmastide, third Mass during the day
- Mélismes & Arabesques
- Magnificat
- Metamorphoses: The Genesis
- Loyset Compère - A discography
- Chill to the Chant
- The best of Millenium of Music
- Historique de la Musique Médiévale
- Saint Nicolas
- Pentecôte à Pontigny
- Age of Cathedrals
- John Dunstaple - A discography
- La Fête des Fous
- Hildegard von Bingen - A discography
- 1000 Jahre Chormusik
- Palestrina: Requiem
- Ars magica
- Weihnachtsfestkreis
- Gilles Binchois - A discography
- Masterpieces of Music before 1750, vol. 1
- Ecos del í
- Chants of the Milanese Church
- Missa mediaevalis
- Music for Holy Week
- Chant Wars
- Stella Matutina
- O Gracious Light
- La Dame à la Licorne
- Chants of the Church of Rome: Byzantine Period
- Jerusalem
- Pierre de la Rue - A discography
- L'aventure musicale
- Jacob Obrecht - A discography
- Time of the Templars
- Machaut: La Messe de Nostre Dame
- Delectamentum
- Religions du monde
- A Cappella
- Heinrich Isaac - A discography
- Missa in Festo Pentecostes
- Machaut / Dufay Motets
- Office des morts
- Surrexit Dominus
- Musique et poésie à Saint-Gall
- Natus est Nobis
- Songs from Jewish Musicians in Exile
- Spiritus Domini
- Chant grégorien
- Quem Quaeritis
- Eya Mater
- Cantus Sororum
- Chants de la Cathédrale de Benevento
- Heinrich II Anno Domini 1002
- Llibre Vermell de Montserrat - A discography
- Tu es Petrus
- Discover Early Music
- Gregorian Chant I
- Monastic Song
- Epiphania Domini
- Noël, Noël
- Ave Maris Stella
- A History of Music, vol. 2
- Mondonville
- Grudencz: Maiestas Dei
- Vox de Nube
- Trabaci: Keyboard Music - Book II
- Chant Grégorien en l'honneur de Saint Benoît
- Chant greatest hits
- Puentes sobre el Mediterráneo
- The Mystery of St. Agnes
- Musique en Picardie
- Sacred Bridge
- Chants de l'Église de Rome - Vêpres du jour de Pâques
- Italian Laude
- Chant Mozarabe Cathédrale de Tolède
- The Offertory
- Nueva España
- Antoine Brumel - A discography
- Johannes Ghiselin - A discography
- The Office for the Dead (Requiem Mass)
- Gaude Birgitta
- Moreschi - The Last Castrato
- La Rue: Requiem / Missa de Beata Virgine
- Loomiselaul - The Creation
- Distant Voices
- The Chant of the Cistercians
- Capilla Flamenca - Discography
- O Maria Virgo
- Alleluia
- Heinavanker
- Vox De Nube
- Requiem: Brumel, Josquin, Victoria, Anon.
- Music for Candlemas
- The "Chant" CD
- Alfred Deller - Portrait of a Legend
- Peregrinato
- Margarete - Maximilian I: Musik um 1500
- Codex Engelberg 314
- Teaching Medieval Lyric
- Concert Celeste
- Alexander Agricola - A discography
- Johannes Ockeghem - A discography
- Passio Domini Nostri
- Gaspar Weerbeke - A discography
- The Medieval Experience
- A Guide to Period Instruments
- Rythmique Grégorienne
- Neidhart ('von Reuental') (b ?c 1190; d after 1236), a discography
- Machaut: Messe de Nostre Dame
- De Zeven Zonden van Jeroen Bosch
- Gregorianische Gesänge
- Tallis: Spem in alium / Lamentations / Mass & Motets
- The Medieval Lyric
- The Medieval Lyric
- Gregorian - Perotin - Machaut
- Christus natus est nobis
- The Winchester Troper
- Francesco Landini: Works List & Discography
- Octoechos latino
- Chansons anciennes
- Machaut: Discography, Biography, Lyrics
- Hosanna in Excelsis
- Romaria
- Secular Songs & Dances from the Middle Ages
- Cantus Mariales
- Rore: St. John Passion
- Officium tenebrarum
- Azalaïs
- Hildegard Symphoniae
- Time of the Dawn
- Gloria Sanctorum
- Kunigunde
- Ockeghem: Missa Caput
- La Rue: Missa de Sancta Cruce
- Anglo-Saxon Christmas
- Misericordia Domini
- In Natali Domini
- Instruments et musiques du Moyen Âge
- Songs of Peace and Consolation
- La musica dei Crociati
- Pax Domini
- L'Arbre de Jessé
- Weihnachts-Matutin - Christmas Matins
- The Virgin & Christ-child
- Safford Cape (1906-1973) - A discography
Found 221 files.
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